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Submitted by ctv_en_2 on Tue, 12/30/2008 - 09:36
The Cuban revolution (Jan. 1, 1959) is vivid evidence and a glorious victory of the path towards national independence and socialism, said participants at a workshop in Hanoi on Dec. 29.

”The revolution is an undeniable demonstration of the strength and advantage of socialism, and an embodiment of the proletarian internationalism in today’s age,” they said.

Speeches at the workshop also touched upon 50 years of the Vietnam-Cuba relations, which, they said, have stood the test of time.

Vietnam officially established diplomatic relations with Cuba on December 1, 1960, opening a new chapter for the friendship between the two nations situated on different hemispheres. Since then, Cuba and Vietnam have always stood side by side with each other on every front and in every international forum, in their struggle for national construction and defense.

The renovation in Vietnam and reform in Cuba complement each other and are helpful to the construction of socialism in the two countries, the workshop concluded.

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